Town Counsel News

See what’s happening at Town Counsel Law & Litigation, LLC

Are you wearing a mask right now?

Gov. Tony Evers has issued an emergency order requiring all individuals to wear face coverings when indoors and not in their home. The Order takes effect on August 1st and is set to expire September 28. There are few exceptions to the Order. An FAQ on the Order is...

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Transportation Utility Fees

Transportation Utility Fees

Wisconsin’s rural roads are among the most deteriorated in the country. Municipalities statewide have struggled to find a long-term solution to road funding. One option gaining interest is the implementation of a transportation utility fee. This week, the League of...

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Table of Current WI Executive and Emergency Orders

Table of Current WI Executive and Emergency Orders

The Wisconsin Legislative Council has issued the following table which summarizes the current status of COVID-19 related executive and emergency orders. For example, while Safer at Home Order has expired, the temporary ban on evictions and foreclosures remains. Read...

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COVID-19 Local Emergency Declarations

COVID-19 Local Emergency Declarations

In response to yesterday’s Wisconsin Supreme Court decision, county health officials across the state have acted to implement localized emergency orders. Many of these orders continue to place restrictions on travel, limit the reopening of non-essential businesses...

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What Now? WI-SC Overturns Safer At Home

What Now? WI-SC Overturns Safer At Home

The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a 4-3 decision striking down Executive Order #28, which previously extended a ban on non-essential travel and required non-essential businesses to remain closed through May 26. The decision allows for the immediate reopening of...

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Check out these other helpful resources:

Wisconsin Towns Association

Provides education, legal information, and grassroots legislative advocacy to empower and inspire members to lead in their communities.

League of Wisconsin Municipalities

The League was created to help Wisconsin cities and villages share ideas and learn from one another, to train and provide information to the people elected and appointed to govern those cities and villages, and to advocate on their behalf with the Wisconsin Legislature, Governor and state agencies.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Local Government Center

Helps local government officials build their capacity to govern.

Town Counsel Law & Litigation has provided links to (but not official endorsement of) these resources as they may be helpful to Wisconsin municipalities and their representatives.